Saturday, February 6, 2010


How do you direct people to the truth when your perception may be biased? The movie "Outfoxed" produced by frustrated me to no end. Throughout the entire movie I found myself frustrated not only at Fox News but at the producers of the movie. The media seems to have become entirely political and cut-throat: one media producer doing anything to outdo another producer. I understand that in many senses it IS a business, but where is the line drawn? What actions or words are ever "right" in the eyes of the competition? How does one go about finding the objective truth in media? As i watched the movie I was all too aware that the movie was trying to influence me just as much as Fox News. This production was no less biased than Fox News.
Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel's book The Elements of Journalism discusses (in chapter 5) independence from faction. I can see some of these ideas of "independence of mind" without "independence from neutrality". Perhaps the producers of "Outfoxed" were in the right by critiquing Fox News, afterall, I do agree with several things they had to say. However, I can't help but feel that it was more of a competitor's move- one that exposes secrets of the "dark side" without really showing who they (the producers) really were or what they stood for. I find it frustrating to see the extremes without the balance of truth in journalism.

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